For Me, it's now about cultivating real joy, branching out, and choosing my family wisely. The formula for this kinda goes [Authenticity + Honesty + Curiousness + Love = Joy]. But like life usually goes, things are easier said than done.
Let's start from the bottom and work our way up:
1. Choosing My Family wisely.
"Find people who are 'Hope-scapes'... I used to go to Church of the Redeemer in Gaithersburg, MD, and the pastor there, Pastor Dale O'Shields, once spoke about choosing your friends wisely. A part of the sermon that stuck with me was when he talked about surrounding yourself with people who inspire, support, and push you, people who pour hope, love, and light; he called them hopescapes. I think that’s a beautiful way to describe a relationship between friends, and family.
Alignment, and vibrations matter. Relationships last because people are aligned toward the same goals, and when people are vibrating on the same frequency. As you continue to be more authentic in who you are, you'll attract people who think, want, and work like you (more or less). Birds of a feather flock together is a real thing. Another real thing is, you attract the energy that you put out... Oh! one more, opposites attract. I like to think of these generalizations as absolute truths. Because they're absolute, I can use the natural laws of relation to help me move through the universe. I try to apply them like so,
a) "The people I need to love and support me through life, my true family, friends, and loved ones, even clients, will come when I am my true self." Birds like me will come if I fly as my truest self.
b) "I attract the energy I put out ... if I put out negative, low vibrational, energy like impatience, jealousy, anger, or pettiness I get those exact same energies back in my interactions. If I channel love, patience, compassion and empathy I get that back too."
c) "Sometimes, the love, support, and help I'm looking for will not look as I expect it to look." Remain curious, sometimes what you desire may come in a form that's the exact opposite of what you expect. The Universe likes to play, pay attention, remain in the moment, and remain ever curious".
2. Branching Out - This “Model Life” is 5 years young (halfway to my 10 year overnight success, I guess lol).
Doing things differently, or doing completely new things, can be scary. In 2016, I was on my comfortable way to being a doctor and wife. Change can be intimidating, but you’re stronger. Lets talk about how - Getting to know your saboteur (S/o to Exhale App). Your saboteur lives in your comfort zone. Your saboteur is your inner critic, that little voice that tries to "keep you in check". Maybe it sounds a bit like, "you can't do it alone", "you can't do it without money", "you don't know how to do it", "always out others first", "don't be too selfish", "you'll be wasting your time if you try this, you need to make money"... you get it. To help me get a better handle on my life, I had to get intimate with my inner critic. I had to get to know her so that I could understand how to keep her in check when she rears her pretty little slicked back ponytail. Mukasichibweta wants to try new things, Muka wants to rush her, and then gets mad when we mess up, like ...
Try to remember the thing I said about your saboteur, it wants to keep you in your comfort zone, don't fight it. Simply remain curious about why you may be feeling resistant to a situation, if your intuition tells you things are okay, trust it, if it tells you to be careful do your due diligence, and stay away or proceed with caution, depending on what you can handle. How dare you think yourself out before you even try.
3. Cultivating real Joy.
Part of the trick is staying present. All that means is that I try to stay in the moment. I've learned to fall in love with the process in everything I do, to enjoy the steps in the journey to fulfillment. Each step in life is a gracious gift, and opportunity for en-joy-ment. I used to get caught up in feelings, my thoughts, things that people said, and just life in general. A heart of gratitude has been my strongest shield. No matter the circumstance, I try to remain joyful for the opportunity of life, and the opportunity to do. A few instant ways to cultivate joy through gratitude - focus on feelings that bring laughter, lightness, thankfulness, even sensuousness. Bring in that gratitude, then meditate on that! Whew chile... A game changer.
Focus on the good. Remember one of the natural laws? (You get the energy you put out). Same goes for the energy inside you. If you focus your mind on negative emotions, you'll create the energetic space in your body to create more negative emotions. If you focus on high vibrational emotions like joy and love, you create the energetic space in your body to create more joy and love.
Like I said ... all this is easier said than done. Most of it becomes much easier after many cycles of habitual integration. Do it over and over again, it will become second nature. Practice makes permanent, even with your mind and your heart. Don't let the current state of things overshadow what could be, you are in control. Stay present and in the moment. Remain grounded in learning, and stay curious about EVERYTHING. Prepare, but don't over prepare, save space for creativity. Stay 10 steps ahead of YOUR OWN GAME. Change your perception of losing or "failure". Loss = Lesson. Or, look at it this way (F.A.I.L = First Attempt In Learning). Trust yourself Queen, King - Be Bold, your dreams are outside your comfort zone.
Thank you for sharing your time, love and energy with Me 🌹
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