This blog is a public journal, vulnerably sharing thoughts and ideas that hopefully inspire or provoke thought.
Life, a beautiful experience that marks us all travelers in constant motion and change. It's about learning and loving while enjoying every moment, even the painful ones. My journey has given me the space to process and express experiences creatively. Modeling, and creating visual art, has become a therapeutic working outlet that I will forever be grateful for.
Mental health illness and conditions are highly stigmatized experiences for people across the globe. With little understanding of mental health experiences as a whole, we see people who have mental conditions ostracized from, or ignored by society. Fortunately (super grateful for karmic balance rn), this has created a social evolution for those that experience challenges with mental health. Confidence and independence are human skills learned through social experience, and full exposure to life without fear builds courage, and the confidence to be, and be different.
And so, I find myself here; sharing unapologetic narrations of my life living with PTSD, OCD and Cyclothymia.
I like to explore how we individually create rippling change and action. Now is the time to reconnect to our higher consciousness, and to each other, as we create new pathways for thought and practice. Stay in love, stay curious, and always ask questions.
Best in Light,
Mukasichibweta (Mook-ah-see-chee-bhwe-ta)